
- Cycling Promotion Fund New Lobby group - has some good resources.
- Wheels of Justice Site dedicated to seeking justice and legal rights for cyclists.
- Amy Gillett Foundation Site dedicated to seeking safer cycling and better understanding by motorists.
- Bicycle NSW (includes list of BUGs, under Advocacy button)
- Bicycle Federation of Australia National cycling issues. Links to other groups.
- Aussie Cycling-links to cycling clubs and groups, and retailers, from jub.com.
- Bicycles.net.au-a resource site with links to cycling clubs, shops and groups
- Sydney Cyclist- forum site for Sydney cyclists.
- Pushon BNSW Pushon magazine and advocacy site.
- MASSBUG Marickville South Sydney BUG.
- Bike North web site for cyclists in the Ryde to Hornsby area BUG
- BayBug Canada Bay BUG
- Cairns BUG - some good ideas and resources
- Critical Mass
- Australian Bicycle Council Federal Govt body. Lots of references on bike planning, National Cycling Strategy and links to RTA and other state's plans and guidelines.
- Cycling Resource Centre - more from the ABC. Useful site for info.
- Bikeability checklist - check your local Council's streets for bike friendliness.
- Velib - all about the Paris city bicycle project.
- Summary - for mayors and Councillors interested in the City Bike concept and how to implement it.
- International Bike Fund- extensive Bibliography of bicycling publications.
- Victoria Transport Policy Institute Comprehensive Canadian sustainable transport site, with many bike related articles.
- Cycling: the way ahead for towns and cities -Guide to councillors on cycling (from the EC).
- Cycling Concepts -excellent Danish book on designing for bikes.
- Towards safe and non-restrictive cycling - Dutch and Finnish paper for EU on safe but convenient cycling.
- example of a model Council Cycle Strategy (UK) from UK Dept of Transport
- Aust. Transport Research Forum 2001 - road safety and cycling papers
- NZ Cycling conference 2001
- carfree cities - campaign gaining speed in Europe. Examples of places that work without cars, like Venice.
- Street Smarts Safe riding techniques by John Allan.(remember to change right and left as this is for the USA).
- Bike to Work
- Bike to School
- commuting tips
- more on commuting and cycling
- SPACE Toronto bike safety guide.
- San Francisco bike coalition - check out the "Coexist" posters on road safety and courtesy. Look at the rest of the website too.
- Love Your Bike - Fast lane/Fat Lane. Manchester bike campaign.
- Bike-it A back street guide to Inner City cycling by Bruce Ashley from Marrickville South Sydney BUG.
- Bikely.com Bikely- mapping site for bike routes. Do a search on LBUG and get all our rides.
- Park Tools Handy bike repair and maintenance tips
- Road Bike Rider Subscribe to their free e-newsletter, lots of useful stuff on cycling, training, bikes.
- Health and Environmental Benefits of Bicycling Article in CarFree Times by Paul Camara.
- Pedal Power Editorial inTheTimes (UK). "The modern cyclist is making an elegant and intelligent response to pollution and traffic congestion."
- BMJ article on heart disease - British Medical Journal often has pro cycling articles - do a search on their site.
- UK Select Committee on health relevant sections of this report supporting more cycling.
Summit on Childhood Obesity in 2003 NSW Govt response. Also see on same site the NSW Govt Obesity Action Plan at .../obesityactionplan.pdf.
- The lion, the witch.. Article on obesity in MJA.
- Keep moving Cardiologist Dr Lyn Pressley on exercise and the heart. SMH April 2006
- D Engwicht - Less Traffic Australian traffic fighter. How to have less traffic in your suburb.
- Better places for walking and cycling article from USA on how to get people out of cars.
- Travelsmart in Victoria see the articles on cycling from the Work page.
- types of bike parking different!
- IBF page on bike parking where to put racks. Also lots of references to makers (mostly US). Cora gets a mention.
- Bicycle Victoria's bike parking handbook
- Paul Schimek- Bikedilemmas Problems for bicycle advocates
- Earth Policy Institute - July 17 2002, Lester Brown on bicycles.
- Michael Wardlaw - Steps to a better cycling future - How safe is cycling?- safer than you think. (look under Resources, Conference papers, Autumn 2001) A similar article is at www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/321/7276/1582.
- SMH -read the Herald letters page and maybe write an e-letter to the Sydney Morning Herald at [email protected].
- -some letters I have written
- - Jenny Ward "Idiots on two wheels, Cane toads of the modern era" - recent anti-cycling letters in the SMH and replies.
- John Forester's Home page "Cyclists fare best when they act like and are treated like drivers of a vehicle"
- bike lists try labmembers list for US bike talk. Go to archives for a dip in. Now on Tahoo Groups I think.
- Dr Drivers road rage site
- Slower Speeds UK site campaigning for slower speeds.
- Big 5 road safety measuresJack Mclean (Australian road safety expert) on benefits of speed reduction.
- Recovery magazine vol 7 no 2-Dan Keegan- Road Citizenship. Articles on road safety - we need different ways of training drivers. (note - involves a large pdf file download)
- Trento Bike pages - Touring in Europe
- Amsterdam bicycles - beautiful photo essay on Amsterdam, including many pics of bikes!
- SheldonBrown extensive bike stuff (click on Harris Cyclery)- good on gears and wheels and general bike knowledge.
- RCMoeur-Signman US cyclist and traffic engineer. See his pages on bicycle signs and on bike planning
- Win-Win solutions to reducing emissions from motor cars Analysis of how to reduce car dependence by Todd Litman, from VTPI in Canada.
- Solving traffic problems UK Transport expert PBGoodwin on congestion pricing and how to fix the traffic.
- Whose Roads Arguments for cyclists right to use the road
- Global Warming and the Greenhouse -its REAL! New Scientist web articles.
- Real Climate Real climate scientists discuss the science behind Global Warming. Anti GW myths debunked.
- CJCampbell on Oil Depletion and the coming oil crunch ( from a website dieoff.com devoted to proving the End of the World is Nigh.)
- Australia, oil and sustainability "Oil: Living with less", From WA Sustainable Transport Coalition.
- Berlin Peak Oil Conference 2004 report on the world oil supply situation.
- Prof David Goldstein, Caltech" Lateline interview on oil and energy.
- RTA - check out the Road Rules or download bike maps. ( Bicycles are under "Traffic".)
- NationalBikeRegister - scheme to cut bike theft in USA
- the fence - London cyclists fight for free fence parking - bit of a hoot.
- Humour - You know you are a cyclist when...
- Survival for cyclists - Korean style but applicable here (nb-they drive on the right)
- Canetoads of the modern era
- Do you suffer from avelopia? a medical condition with an easy cure.
- article for Heckle in the SMH (unpublished)
- Yehuda Moon- daily cartoon about a bike shop. Some subtle humour.
- BNSW ride leader guidelines 2003
- Short LBUG rides calendar (word doc)download and print out this 2 sided rides calendar for giving to friends or leaving at bike shops etc. (If you cant do doublesided printing photocopy page 1 onto the back of page 2 and cut into 3).
- LBUG brochure download and print out this double sided 3 fold brochure for giving to friends or leaving at bike shops etc. (Photocopy page 2 onto the back of page 1 and fold into 3).
- Sign on sheet for rides. for use by ride leaders.
- Advocacy workshop 17/2/01 at BNSW
- Talks at BUG workshop Oct 2001 at BNSW
- Poor facilities leads to poor cycling A letter to Ove Arup (City Bike Plan consultants) on cycling in the CBD
- Letter to Minister of Transport on 50K general urban speed limit
- Women and Cycling report by Contessa Hajinikitas from Cycle Planning (Sydney) (Word.doc).
- Women and Cycling report by Contessa Hajinikitas from Cycle Planning (Sydney) (web version).
This page last updated 14/9/12. If links not working please let me know.
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